Tuesday, September 6, 2011

~~Drama at airport~~

  Vaishnavi my sis had come from Chicago. She spent the long weekend in the city and since I was not around during the weekend we decided meet on Tuesday. It was a rainy day but even hurricane Irene can't do anything to the city what few inches of rain can do. We decided to look around central park. We reached central park around 10 in the morning, it was great day to go to central park as it was almost empty.We roamed around the park for sometime then went to Levain bakery to get cookies and then to have lunch at the dabba near my college.

Her flight back to Chicago was at 4 o clock at La Guardia airport. We started around 2 30 and since the  airport is near and traffic was less, there would be enough time to reach the airport. She told that she had to take Delta airlines. I have not taken delta airlines before but I know that Delta has a separate terminal in the airport and the bus reaches there first.

 We got down around 3:15 pm and directly went to the departure area as she was about to enter into the security check line I noticed her flight was missing in the long departure list. I mentioned that to her and then we asked the Delta official nearby she told that the flights to Chicago  will take off from Delta shuttle terminal which was at the other end of the airport more than 2 miles away. With less than 40 minutes to catch the flight we asked us to hurry up.  The options to get to the other terminal was to take free airport shuttle which comes every 15 minutes but since it had just left we had to wait another 15 minutes which we cant afford. Taking taxi was an option but the queue was really long and also no driver would take us terminal to terminal when he could get passengers all the way to Manhattan. So within 5 minutes when a public bus came we grabbed into that and thought we should make to the final terminal in few minutes but the bus was loading and unloading people at every other terminal. So when the bus finally left the central terminal  we breathed with a sigh of relief and we would reach the terminal soon. The bus inched forward for sometime and stopped ,we got down and when we were about to walk in we saw that the place we got down was cargo terminal and when we turned back the bus was gone. With 15 minutes left to catch the flight the only option left was to walk with the terminal which was still away. Even the walking had to stop as the pedestrian pathway abruptly came to an end. Now the situation looked impossible to catch the flight , I only hoped for a miracle to happen.
 We decided not to strain ourselves by walking sat in the bus stop and waiting for the next bus to come and were thinking about catching the next flight.Out of no where came a taxi with For Hire light on, we quickly
waved our hand and got in,we asked him to hurry up and go to Delta Shuttle terminal, his first question was how we ended up in cargo terminal(maybe he was wondering we were shipped from somewhere). He was telling us he was tired and calling it a day ,he wasn't interested to take passengers back to Manhattan but taking the taxi back home. We thanked him and got down at the shuttle terminal at 3:55. With 5 minutes left we hurried up to security queue,when she showed the boarding pass ,she was allowed to skip the queue go to security check first.I waved goodbye ,she came back and throwed my umbrella back to me.Yea forgot to mention all these things happened in the pouring rain.I saw her running towards the gate and within few minutes I got a call from her that she got in and the flight is about to start!

Moral of the story:
"நல்லவங்கள ஆண்டவன் சோதிப்பான் ஆனா கைவிட மாட்டன்" :)


  1. dai enna peela udura... the planes door closes atleast 10 mins before departure...:)

  2. this is spl case!
    read the moral again :))

  3. கெட்டவனுக்கு கடவுள் நிறைய கொடுப்பான் (நிறைய girl frinds )
    ஆனால் கை விட்டுடுவான் ( மொக்க wife )
    நல்லவங்கள கடவுள் நிறைய சோதிப்பான் ( no girlfrinds )
    ஆனால் கை விடமாட்டான் ( அன்பான மனைவி )... ;)

  4. haha...நல்லவங்களை எல்லாரும் அண்ணா ன்னு கூப்பிட்டா எப்போதான் நல்ல மனைவி கிடைப்பாள் ??? ;)

  5. lesson learned: always plan to be at airport 2 hrs before flight!!
    but unfortunately சில நல்லவங்களுக்கு இது புரியாது!!

  6. one small correction...actually wanted to say...சில மரமண்டைகளுக்கு எங்கே புரிய போகுது!! :)
    I was being too nice in my previous comment which is not the real me :)

  7. @ Sheila

    "மரமண்டைகளுக்கு" -

    Why plural?

  8. @Sheila
    Ordinary people go to airport early and wait for the plane! For great people(like me)plane waits for them!
    Ordinary people ku எங்கே புரிய போகுது :)

  9. @JP
    just a general term i used...
    You know KG is NEVER right!!! :)

  10. heyy friend...r u trying 2 get me into trouble???????

  11. Sri
    யானைக்கும் ஒரு நாள் அடி சறுக்கும்!!:)
