Monday, August 22, 2011

~~Stuffs I got this weekend~~

   After browsing through the books my friend took to gifts section where all sorts Russian souvenirs were available. Below were few of the stuffs available in the shop. Can you guess what are they and where its used?

From top left clockwise
1)Russian Chessboard
2)table heat protector
3)The famous Russian Matryoshka dolls
4)Tea nesting doll ( used to cover your morning tea)
5)night lamp
6)drinks brewer
Since all the items were way above my budget limits I happy just to take pictures of them.

From there we went to Russian one supermarket as she told Russian cookies made there are really famous. When I entered the shop there were lots to choose from I dont what choose from those ,finally ask my friend to select the best among the lot. She selected the one made with layers of waffles with cream which tasted good.Then there was something like are bajji but stuffed with potato paste ,it was so big and when I finished it my stomach was full.

Then we went to shopping the super market, since I needed to buy food for the week I thought why not try different varieties. First my friend took me to cheese section and asked what cheese you eat I proudly said Philadelphia cheese ,she asked how can you eat packed cheese and took me to place where fresh cheese was available and after tasting 3 or 4 varieties finally I narrowed down on one. Then got German butter dont know what special in that. Got Turkish bread ,Ukraine cola,Danish  muffins and few other stuffs

Good thing about this shop was all these food items where cheap so bought a bagful.


  1. Luv the brightly colored Russian dolls. I picked up a set on our trip to Alaska.
    Wish I could join you for your international food feast this week :)

  2. A British soldier, an American solider and a Russian soldier found themselves sharing a tent while on a military exercise, and the conversation turned towards how well fed each of them was.

    "In the Russian army we have 2000 calories of food a day," said the Russian.

    "Well," said the Englishman, "In the British army we are given 4000 calories of food a day."

    "That's nothing," said the American, "in the US army we have 8000 calories of food a day!"

    At this, the Russian got very annoyed and exclaimed, "Nonsense! How could one man eat so much cabbage?!"
