Friday, August 19, 2011

~~Movie night~~

      Since the weather reported predicted there might be a thunder storm in the evening we decided to go to a movie to begin the weekend. Then we were discussing what movie we should see since I ran out of gold amc passes and had only silver passes with we had to watch a movie which is two weeks old.Given our choices from the showlist we could see only one movie which suits our taste. It was horrible bosses.

     When we started from the home it started pouring and we were almost drenched before reaching the subway station.We reached the theater 30 minutes before the screening got some snacks from the nearby shop and went to the theater. Being a friday night the hall was packed ,we patted ourselves for coming early and getting good seats.
     The movie was about three people who are having terrible bosses and given the economic conditions have to live with it. They get frustrated at one point decide to kill their bosses and hire a hit man to do so. Things start to mess up and it is a laugh riot after that. We enjoyed the movie and it was a good start for the weekend.


  1. If you end up getting a horrible boss, now you know what to do :)

    Have you also seen the movie "Horrible Wives" ? ;)

  2. Boss = Wife

    Affectionate Wife - கொள்ளைப் பிரியமுள்ளவள்

    Horrible wife - கொல்ல பிரியமுள்ளவள்!.

  3. @ KG

    மாலா = மனைவியர் திலகம் !

  4. உன்னை கொல்ல கொள்ளை பிரியமுள்ளவல்?? :))

    (sorry...couldn't help answering even though Q is not for me) :)

  5. haha...JP...shiel comment is for BEWARE :)

  6. heyyyy...can't U read what i wrote above???
