Wednesday, August 17, 2011

~~Movement against corruption~~

  With anti corruption movement gearing up in India I steadily keep myself updated with whatever happening there. There were some interesting videos posted and had good dicussions with my friends in facebook. There were arguments that the movement is pure blackmail against the government to get things done but it wasn't a blackmail as government had plenty of time to negotiate on the table.
Government handled the whole issue badly first appointing the five member commitee from the ruling party alone, second changing the bill given by the civil society upside down replacing the bill to be piece of joke. The best thing would have been to get bill introduced in parliament had a discussion among the political parties and made amendments which were necessary.Arun Jaitley explained the opposition's view excellently in the parliament. Government has caught itself into a cobweb finding difficult to come out it.
  I commented in one of facebook post  "Since we dont have right people in power to make right policies, we now see people on the streets demanding politicians to implement policies which will be beneficial for the country" Hoping the best happens for India!

1 comment:

  1. ஊழலை ஒழி(ளி)ப்போம்!
    -Indian Politicians
