Wednesday, August 31, 2011

~~Coffee with friend~~

     Today I met one of my classmates for coffee. She is from New York and has taken up a job in Chennai in a NGO. So she was asking lots of questions about the city and way of life. We talked for almost two hours and I was giving all sorts of scenarios about the day to day life in the city. Yea there will be few cultural shocks when she goes there and starts her work . There are many things which people take it for granted in US wont be easily available there.
    Few things I said were in this terms there is no partying after mid night everything closes before midnight. There are lots of good beaches in the city dont ever go there wearing your beach wear. There are public transport but you can't use it for day to day use. How to be careful with with the people who will try to rip money at any given opportunity. We also talked about the weather ,food ,fashion etc etc Then she was asking me where she could find an apartment. I had heard Thiruvanmiyur is one area where expats live and suggested her to live with room mates rather than stay alone in the city.
   Whatever I said seemed too little compared to the ground realities she will be facing. Hope she has a wonderful experience in Chennai.


  1. Good luck to your friend! I'm sure she'll luv Chennai...who doesn't!!!
    btw...tell her Thiruvanmiyur beach is AWESOME!!!

  2. "no partying after mid night everything closes before midnight" can, you must know right place

    "There are lots of good beaches in the city dont ever go there wearing your beach wear"........... you can, you must know which beach to go

    "There are public transport but you can't use it for day to day use" can, A/C buses avbl in many routes now

    Don't frighten her saying all negative things.

    Chennai is much more than what meets the eye.

  3. @kg
    yea there is something called as right place not every place!
