Thursday, July 21, 2011

~~Ocean maps~~

 Today after lunch I was feeling sleepy as usual, my supervisor inheriting the same feeling from me told lets go for a walk around the campus. He was telling me the place has a historic importance of the place. During the early 50s they used a ship named RV(Research Vessel) VEMA which sailed a million miles while transecting the world's oceans for research under the flag of Columbia University.

It discovered important spots in ocean like Vema Seamount  and Vema channel. It also collected the samples under the oceans which is used for research all over the world. He show us the place all over the world were the ship partnering with respective countries.Though the vessel has been sold after 80s and replaced with a another vessel with equipped latest technology, the eagle emblem in front of the ship is kept as a memory in the institute.

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