Sunday, July 24, 2011

~~Exclusive trip to METS~~

   My classmate told she wanted to visit Alexander Mcqueen collection in the METS museum. I asked her who is that artist. She gave me shocked look and asked you don't Alexander Mcqueen he was the king of the fashion industry. "Oh I see ok I will give it a try". She told "Do get ready early and we should be there in the museum at least by 10.

  Sunday getting up early and going to a fashion exhibit didn't excite me much and when I got ready and finally reached the museum it was 11. Once we entered the METS we saw a huge queue to see his collection and my classmate was giving me I told you so looks.

  The queue in the above video is not even half of it and we had to wait for two more hours to finally get to see his collections. His fashion styles were way above normal sometimes weird and colorful with heels being almost a feet long and dresses made out of feathers shells etc. I liked the way the presented the exhibit with pleasant sound in the background,wonderful lights to show the beauty of the dresses and well placed reflecting mirrors. Since photography was not allowed I couldn't take any pictures but here is the google image link for few of his collections.
  Our legs were literally broke once we finished seeing his collection ,we headed straight to cafetaria had our lunch and headed back home.

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