Wednesday, June 8, 2011

~~Wisdom in the face~~

  Today went to attend  an investors conference  on Chile where Chile's mining minister gave a speech inviting the investors to make use of the resources in the country. I like the ministers from Chile, most of them have masters degrees from famous universities. Its always good to see a minister taking the initiative and marketing his country. The Q&A session was interesting as one person asked the question Chile has reached 0% percent population growth so why would investors go there as the cost of human capital would be high.
  I took my Japanese friend for this event he ended meeting his boss who had come for the event.The boss asked him to ask a question about the investment by their firm. After the conference my friend introduced to his boss who asked me which class I take mistaking me for a professor, I asked am I looking so old he replied back saying your wisdom in your face made me to ask that question :)


  1. he must have said "wit" n "dumb" which you must have misheard as "wisdom" :)

  2. கண்ணன் முகம் கண்ட கண்கள்
    மன்னர் முகம் காண்பதில்லை!
