Saturday, June 18, 2011

~~Trip to Coney Island~~

  With the weather being sunny it was the right time to go to beach. Coney Island is about an hour away from my place by metro. There was mermaid parade happening in that place which is a colorful event. Since I didn't have nothing much to do I decided to go.  Train journey was really good the nearer the destination approached colorful the compartment became.

I was just on time for the parade and there were thousands of people present of either side of the road waiting for the parade to begin. So I walk around to the right place to get a proper view ,to my luck two people from the front line where leaving to meet their friend at another place and I got the perfect view. The parade had lots of people in dancing to their tunes ,lots of girls wearing colorful dresses with themes from movies or incidents. The whole event went for more than two hours and never realized how soon the time went, after that there was a parade of vintage cars but it didn't interest me much so I walked to the beach. Coney Island beach is not like the deserted TP beach where you will find to time to look into rocks, wild vegetation or people catching fishes :), it was littered with thousands of people and most of the time can be spent walking in the board walk. Finally when my legs got tired I decided to come home.

PS: Sorry guys I would have loved to take pictures but alas my camera is not working. I have attached a picture of Ariel the mermaid, many girls dressed like this today  :)


  1. Hey Sri,

    You are comparing (Big, Bad)Apple with an Orange :)

    Here is an interesting take:

    Look at the striking high scores for SD for Family, Housing, People, Nature, Safety & Justice.
    :) :) :)

  2. I was just comparing your day out in the beach and mine :)
    btb that link in broken can you send it!

  3. Just visited that site till now only 19 people have rated SD atleast 100 should be needed to make a valid conclusion, arnd 400 have rated nyc :)

  4. yetho onnukku enge theriya pohuthu karpoora vaasanai !! :)

  5. I know SD is a pensioners paradise I young enough to appriciate rocks and wild vegetation :)
