Tuesday, June 14, 2011

~~small bug major issue~~

  Its not funny when you are chased out of your own house, that too when you are asked to pack all the stuffs which you own in a matter of few days. This is what happened to us as we were asked to pack all our stuffs in the apartment as they had to do some work.
  It all started last week when our room mate found a small bug in his room, we raised a complaint to the  maintenance to spray the insecticide, our supervisor came and checked and told our apartment is affected bed bugs. He said we need to do extermination as soon as possible , so told us to pack all our stuffs ,put it in a big bag and keep outside of the room. So I started cleaning up my room after a long long time disposed most of stuffs and packed other stuffs into the bags.  Uuff I was thinking if it was in India we would have just killed the bug with our nails we wouldn't have done this packers and movers kind of thing.
  Today afternoon the exterminator guy came he told us to get out of the house and warned us not to get back inside for at least four hours.It was raining outside and I was roaming around in the streets like a homeless guy for the next four hours. Just came back into the house and have to unpack all the stuffs when I find time.


  1. be thankful you could take refuge in your college for lil while bcos of me :)

  2. btw Sri...i was lafffing all afternoon imagining you homeless roaming NYC streets in the rain :)

  3. hey for me its a small room so packing was done in few hours, imagine if its your house packing itself will take days :)
