Monday, June 27, 2011

~~My summer job~~

   Today morning I got up early in the morning thinking of  stuffs to get done for the day, since getting there sooner the better I got ready quickly.I went my administration office to get a form then to student office to get an attestation then I took metro to Social Security office,waited almost two hours in the queue and finally submitted my application for getting my Social Security Number. So what brought me here...
   Last week I had telephonic conversation with a research scientist who was asking whether I could assist him for the summer.Since I have never worked under a scientist nor worked in a research institute I accepted that offer. The research institute is situated about 15 miles north of the city in a scenic location and there is a college shuttle which picks and drops from our college campus to that place. To take up this summer job I need to apply for the SSN which took my today's morning!
  So life is back to a full circle getting up early in the morning, catching the bus to go to the institute ,waiting in the traffic, talking with buddies all the way and also doing little bit of work :)


  1. Let's get the party started....

    Congrats again, and keep it going

  2. at least one good thing came out of your summer FINALLY applied for SSN!! :)

  3. @DG
    What..getting the party started ???
    His 1 year party life just ended :)

    I hope the scientist and his research survives :) :) Instead of wishing you, I should wish the scientist Good Luck ;)

  4. "புது வேலை எப்படி இருக்கு?"

    "முத நாள் ரொம்ப கஷ்டப்பட்டேன்.. கூட இருந்தவங்க
    தட்டிக் கொடுத்து, தாலாட்டுப் பாடி தூங்கவச்சாங்க..! "

  5. @DG
    Yupp partying all the time :)

    also world is getting serviced b use of my work :)

    the research is like a weatherman's job, predicting changes in the world for ex when will next major earthquake hit Southern California so by the time it happens hopefully we wont be there :)

    no sleeping thats only in class :)

  6. @Sri, what do you mean by Summer Job? summer mudiyura varikum thana?

  7. @siva
    exactly this is an internship!

  8. Sri,
    so the title varies with season like Fall / Winter / Spring / ...

  9. Alrighty Sri!!! Let me what reasearch report you're helping to write!!! I will sure to stay away from it!!!! :)

    BTW, Congratulations!!! All the Best!
