Tuesday, May 24, 2011

~~Fact I learnt~~

I was having dinner with my French friends and we ordered French fries and I asked the weird question whether French fries are invented in France,she said its never called as French fries but called as Frites and its common throughout in Europe ,just because French cook introduced it to US in early 19th century the recipe got its name.
One suggestion she added was to have French fries in Belgium as they are really good there,


  1. Did you know that french fries is called finger chips in india?
    Atleast that's what it was called when I was in India a looooong time ago

  2. Yupp in UK its called as finger chips,we got it from the British!

  3. oh man!!...we got so much from the British and are being ridiculed for talking weirdly by the girls! :)
