Wednesday, April 27, 2011

~~things lost~~

    Its was one such day I had a presentation I had to hurry up to the college. One small thing I forgot to zipup the front pouch of my back pack. I saw that it was wide open only after I reached my college. Normally I dont keep much stuffs in there but there were two things in there. One was my mouse which I can live without it, other was my guest tickets for graduation :(

I normally used to keep the camera in the front pouch but fortunately I forgot to take it to the class but I was sad I couldn't take any pictures. My Korean bro just sent me a mail with the pic below, I never knew he took pics :)


  1. ..for a moment i read it as "zipup front".., you lost my "guest graduation ticket"...missed the 'opportunity of my lifetime to see you graduate with aanandha kaneer"..

  2. KG if you are coming let me know I can get you black tickets :)))

  3. Heyyy...i also read it as "zip up front" ... :)) great minds think alike ...but great...i agree....BUT...... ;))

  4. Look on the brigt side U are going to have mystery guests for your graduation :)
    Who knows......might be a turning point in your life ;)

  5. Haha.......just noticed a change in ur blog page......GREAT going Sri :))

  6. yea yea will look out for new kilis :))

    btb good u noticed the change :D

  7. NOTHING escapes my eagle eyes!!! ;)

  8. i also thought on seeing the photo - zip up front; who knows, but it could have been lucky if you had actually forgot to zip up

  9. BUT he has written...

    "......saw that it was wide open only after I reached my college. Normally I dont keep much stuffs in there..... One was my mouse which I can live without it....."

    "No wonder he's not getting killi in spite of being reminded daily by his "Dearly Good Friendz"

  10. hahaha...Ayyyoooo Raamaaaaa !!!!!!

  11. @KG, you have a point :) Now the whole world knows why Sri is not getting Kili:)

  12. @Kg
    what a wild imagination :))
    I have mentioned back pack , think u need to change yr glasses !
