Wednesday, April 6, 2011

~~OC show~~

  I have written sometime before "Being a student has its own advantages you only have to worry about assignments and exams, for rest of the things there are always friends and relatives.When they come to visit me ,I needn't play the host card as they sponsor me for everything when roaming around. " Swetha is the latest entry to the list and she beat all my friends and relatives. She had come to New York city as a part of her school trip and I met her today evening at Times Square.

First she introduced to her teachers who then invited me to have dinner at an Irish hotel named O'Lunneys, We had salad, bread and pasta for main course and ended with a cheese cake for dessert. After chit chatting with her for sometime I walked with her to the broadway theater.After saying bye to her I thought let me walk as long as I can to burn what I eat instead of taking the metro.Within 5 minutes I got a call from Swetha that they have an extra ticket for the broad way show and asked whether I could join.Who would say no,as I walked right back to the theater.Swetha's teacher helped in getting seats together and we watched the show, Memphis. The story was an usual romantic story between a white guy and a black woman happening in Memphis around 1950 it went good and we enjoyed it though we didn't understand the way it ended. Anyways no complains for a free a show.

Moral of the story: You have to be at the right place,right time!

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