Thursday, April 14, 2011

~~Meeting a finance minister~~

    During the workshop I had the opportunity to meet Andrés Velasco ,the former finance minister of Chile. Our director introduced him to us as the person who implemented policies what others just learn. In the year 2007 Chile economy was booming due to export of copper and had a budget surplus. Workers and students wanted him to spend that money for the people but he strongly refused and kept those as reserves. There were huge protests against him but he refused to bog down. And when the financial crisis struck in 2008 copper prices crashed and exports came to standstill. Now he used to reserve to aid the market preventing it from a collapse. In 2010 Chile became the first developing country in South America to join the OECD countries and considered in the leagues of developed countries.

 He was so casual and simple in his approach and had a good sense of humor. There were lots of lessons learned  from him on that day.

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