Monday, April 18, 2011

~~Development -can be done?~~

 Today there was  a panel discussion on post conflict situation on Sri Lanka organised by one of my class mates. So after war what could be done there. There was an UN representative , a journalist invited to the panel who started the discussion about the civil war happened during the last 4 years and implications of the same.

Then my class mate presented a research paper how development will be the key for progress. We are working on a project to build fish farms in east of Sri Lanka which would employ the people living there. For a rough estimate the money sent by the Sri Lankan diaspora is being spent by the people to buy the basic necessities ,so suggestions were given to channel this money to development. There were questions raised about the feasibility of the project but in the end of the day something should be done. The conference ended with good Indian snacks like bhajji samosa and cutlet. More than that its food for thought :)


  1. sri, i loved your blog while you in Chennai - used to be charming, homely, friendly and looots of varieties.

    somehow after going to US, you seem to have lost it all and instead of "interesting anecdotes", feel like listening to boring lectures / seminars.

    Glad your course finishing in May.

    Go back to India or Africa or Brazil...

    or if not, get bring "Zing" back to your life

  2. haha what to do I can write what I do :)
    since its the final semester lined up with assignments and seminars!

    two more weeks will be back to form!

  3. Sri..I have to agree with KG (can't blieve i'm saying this):)

    ...and...heyy...brazil does sound like a gr88 idea!! :)
