Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~~what a great day~~

  Its was a great day to be in college wearing blue and cheering for the Indian team but I couldn't wactch most of the match as I had to attend a conference on Indian financial crisis chaired by Joseph Stiglitz ,Amartya Sen,Kaushik Basu and Prabath Patnaik. Sitaram Yechury was also one of the guest. It was a mind blowing conference will try to write if I had time.

 My Pakistani friend kept me updated with the scores every 15 minutes so that I can keep track of the match. By the time conference got over India had won the match and I went to college the news channels were broadcasting the victory and people from many country were congratulating me. One Pakistani girl came and wished me "You guys played great" I replied back "We played crap and you played crapier".

There was another major thing that happened  today was I wrote my final macro exam!


  1. வெற்றி கொடி கட்டு
    மலைகளை முட்டும் வரை முட்டு
    லட்சியம் எட்டும் வரை எட்டு
    படையெடு படையப்பா( Indian team )
