Friday, March 25, 2011

~~Is it a good deal~~

   I take a class regarding the global finance this semester. I really like the professor of this course who was a wall street banker for more than two decades and after making money has came to academia the job he likes to do. We have to do a presentation next week so we went and talked with him. He was having a busy day as people from all major wall street banks had a meeting with him regarding an equity issue.

As we were hearing his story open mouthed he told I will make a deal with you and said "I will give all the money I have earned but in return you have to give me your age" No one in the group accepted it and he said  with the present opportunities we could make more money than he would have done in the next 20 years.


  1. Very good opportunity!
    Teach your professor KAYAKALPA!
    Also to your classmates.

  2. JP..a small doubt..

    Is it bcos of KAYAKALPA, "Mala become Maya Bazaar"

  3. .."Sorry, i used Swa account and it has come as Doha"....KG
