Friday, February 11, 2011

~~What a remarkable day~~

  Not many days we see revolutions happening around the world,not many times those have been successful. But to day is one such day where the people of Egypt proved that by non violence revolutions are still possible by overthrowing a 30 year old dictarship government. It is one of the days where everybody wants to be an Egyptian!

I was so happy for my classmate Miral who was spending sleepless nights worrying about the situation in her country. When ones brother,family members and friends are protesting on the street it makes matters worse. Yesterday night was one of the most terrible one as the president refused to resign and the whole place was like a pressure cooker ready to burst. Today morning when I went to college she asked to help to stick fliers requesting people to gather for a peaceful protest, I casually told her "this  wont be necessary as your President is going to leave today" .By noon we got the news that president had resigned and the whole place erupted in joy.There are few emotions which you cant describe but feel it. There were many Arabs celebrating the occasion giving sweets and even jokingly said we are celebrating it grand because these things happen once in 30 years.

This is a revolution initiated by the people under 30 years of age using social network such as facebook and twitter as their main tool. It show what the faster flow of information  can do to a country. I did follow the trend on twitter today and I liked the following quotes directly coming from the hearts of the Egypt people.

  • Today I walked in the street & wasn't uncomfortable. I stood in a huge crowd & wasn't suffocated or afraid. Why? BECAUSE EGYPT'S FREE
  • We may be not those who did the technology, but we are the best in the World using it."
  • WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! I feel happier at this instant than I did in my entire life. Joy, pure joy. Hope. Love. The Egyptians, with their culture, their history, their wit, their intellect, their passion. The Egyptians have woken.
  •  I'm egyptian, I don't just read history, I make it
  • The world only gets better because people risk something to make it better. Congrats Egypt
  • 3 am Cairo..I am in a country where everyone I meet is smiling, laughing 
  • I have seen birth, I have seen marriage,I have seen death but I have never seen happiness like this, and it is everywhere.

and this was email from my class mate

the happiest person on earth

This one such day that every ruler will remember that they are in power just to serve the people and they can be over thrown if they dont do the job right!


  1. Congrats to your Friend Miral and to New EGYPT :)))

  2. ஆடுவோமே - பள்ளுப் பாடுவோமே
    ஆனந்த சுதந்திரம் அடைந்து விட்டோமென்று....
    நாமிருக்கும் நாடு நமதுஎன்ப தறிந்தோம்
    இது நமக்கே உரிமையாம் என்ப தறிந்தோம்
    இந்தப் பூமியில் எவர்க்கும்இனி அடிமை செய்யோம்
    பரி பூரணனுக் கேயடிமை செய்து வாழ்வோம்.
