Saturday, February 26, 2011

~~Trip down to embassy street~~

 In Delhi one street which used to amaze me was the Shathi Path with lots of embassies on both side of the road. I would guess the country name with the flag flying outside the building. Most of the building would have its unique architecture resembling their own country.

I was in Washington DC last week with my classmates, we took a trip to Massachusetts avenue where most of embassies of many countries are present,as usual I was guessing countries by looking at the flag and screamed loud to everyone when I saw the Indian embassy. It had the statue of Mahatma Gandhi and a tri color flag flying high. Its a treat to go to this street with group of international students with each one looking for their embassy on the street.

1 comment:

  1. I remember screaming out loud on seeing Gandhi statue in the middle of a town square while driving through a town in MA :)
