Sunday, February 20, 2011

~~Grand meet @ Pittsburgh~~

  I should say that after coming to US I m meeting my relatives more often than I do it in India. I used to go to native once in a year or so but after coming to US at least once in a month I m catching with my relatives.
Last week when my cousin Gayatri came to Ohio for an official work .So people from Chicago Philadelphia Detroit and me from New York planned to have a meet up at Pittsburgh.

I caught a bus from New york on Friday evening and reached Pittsburgh by 1am in the night. The first impression of the city is the best impression you get. At 1am the city of buzzing with activity with pretty girls partying around and people singing and dancing on the street.The shops and restaurants are buzzing with activity. I have been to cities which looks deserted by 11 leaving you alone with only street lights for company. Pittsburgh was my second choice after New york to do my masters,seems I wasn't bad at my choices.

Its was so much fun to be with family over the weekend and will try to write stuffs we did there!

1 comment:

  1. It is true that although in different corners, we make an effort to meet each other more often here than relatives in India do :)
