Wednesday, January 12, 2011

~~Visit to Getty museum~~

      One of the places suggested by Swetha to visit in Los Angeles was the Getty museum,she said its famous for Greek and Roman sculptures also the view of pacific ocean from that place is amazing.

      Sukirhta was kind enough to take off for a day in spite of her busy schedule. After having breakfast we left for Getty museum which was an hour drive from our place.The museum is located at a scenic place on top of the hill away from the buzz of the city.After parking the car we had to take a tram to reach that place. When we entered the museum we were confused which way to go or which exhibit to look for. Fortunately there was a collection tour which took around the museum pointing out what are the stuffs we need to check.

Since medieval paintings are more colorful and attractive we spent most of the time there. One thing about the renaissance painting are the wonderful mix of oil colors and perspective with which the artist drew makes it look unique. There was a wonderful restaurant inside the museum where we stopped for lunch.After that we checked few medieval sculptures which had wonderful workmanship.

One thing I liked about that museum it was not crowded and we didn't have to waste time in the queue. But after coming back home I was wondering how I missed the Greek and Roman architecture in the whole building.After doing a little search I found that the place Swetha mentioned was Getty Villa and what we went was Getty museum.May be next time to Getty Villa.


  1. Hey Sri
    You've done two things we haven't done living here...taking the coastal train trip and visiting Getty villa/museum :)

  2. @Sriram,
    Miss or escape from 'SNOW STORMS'

  3. miss?? I was happy that you were there to enjoy 2 feet of snow :)

  4. Now Think of how u can open a cherry museum!

  5. Sorry.. Chetty.... Silly spell checker doesnt recognize us, maybe we need to fix that first

  6. @asha
    in that museum we can put to display all the items you have shopped :)
