Wednesday, January 5, 2011

~~The Transitive Property of Studying~~

This is Swetha again. Sriram chithappa did my math homework for me, so in return, I am blogging for him :)

A couple weeks ago at school, we were learning about the Transitive Property in math. My teacher, Mrs. O, is the WORST math teacher ever. She just reads out loud from the textbook, and when she talks, she just stares at the ceiling. We all got very bored of listening to her drone on and on and on, so a couple students in my class created the Transitive Property of Studying.

The Transitive Property of Studying

The more we study, the more we learn.
The more we learn, the more we know.
The more we know, the more we forget.
The more we forget, the less we know.

Therefore: the more we study, the less we know!

~written by the students of Mrs. O's boringgggggg
                                 Period 8 Geometry class 

Uh-oh...I hope Mrs. O doesn't find this blog...


  1. @ Swetha

    I've been sending you many mails with interesting attachments. In return, what are you going to do for me?

  2. @ Sri

    Correcting "figures" is not doing Mathematics!

  3. @JP thatha~ if you have your own blog, then i will blog for you too :)

    from swetha
