Friday, January 28, 2011

~~Movie I watched~~

 I watched an old movie "Groundhog Day" today.Few years back when I was working I was supposed to deliver a project and every day I used to report to client who will test the same. He used to test the application with the same scenarios and due to  mistakes I made he had to repeat the same procedure again and again everyday.  That poor guy told be once "Sriram you are making me feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day".

I never knew what he meant time until I saw the movie today. Good I finished the project before he became as eccentric as the hero in the movie. It was really an awesome movie,worth watching!


  1. Man!!! my course work seems like Groundhog day to me!!! :)
    Sri...since it's so close to groundhog day, maybe you should consider visiting Punxsutawney Phil before heading back to NYC :)

  2. There are many, many Tamil movies which make us to feel like Bill Murray!!!

  3. sheila
    Punxsutawney is close to Pittsburg than to Philly and this year groundhog day comes on Wednesday feb 2 so cant make it this time :)

    yes appa adan naanga tamil movie paakuradu illai :)

  4. absolutely rt!!! we watch only english movies...அதாவது நாங்கள் english படம் மட்டும் தான் பார்ப்போம் :)

  5. @Sheila, idthai enngaiyo ketta mathiri irruku

  6. Have successfully been a party nut & checked out that Phil bugger in -15f...Sri, wud lov to go back to c the craziness..let me know if u want to come

  7. Asha will goto Punxsutawney if it falls on weekend :)
