Friday, January 21, 2011

~~In NYSE~~

 If  I had visited NYC five years ago the first place I would have stopped would have been wall street but now I haven't been to the wall street the whole time I had been in the city.Partly there is nothing much to do in wall street as a visitor apart from taking a picture with the bull which would be my last priority.

 Finally I went to wall street today as our director had arranged us a trip to NYSE. New York being the financial capital of the world, the heart of all the action takes place in the New York stock exchange. It was great  experience to be in the building where corporations have come down, people made millions and lost millions in matter of few minutes.First we were given a lecture by one of the staff of the exchange who gave us the history of NYSE and how the trading have evolved over the period of time. There was a time when they had six different floors for trading but now it has reduced to just two as most of the trading are done electronically.He was talking about how the exchange has evolved from non profit to profit and  the companies with it had merged, first with few exchanges within the country and the last one being Euronext such that the exchange itself is called as NYSE Euronext which covers many markets in America and Europe.

     We were then taken around places like the board room,conference hall and finally to the trading floor were millions of dollars gets traded everyday. Being the Friday the place was calm and not much activity in the market but we could sense how the place could become in a busy day. There where separate rooms for broadcasting channels like CNN and CNBC at floor and all major banks had a counter in the exchange from where they executed the trade.The opportunity of opening bell and closing bell each would be given to a corporate,individual or an NGO on every trading day. Today it was from an organization named 'good place to work in' which had few banners around exchange seeing which first I got confused that NYSE has pasted some motivational posters around the exchange. Visit was really  informative and we took a few pictures before leaving.