Friday, August 6, 2010

~~TV Show I watched~~

After a long time I had time to watch TV, my room mate was browsing the channels and we saw coming up next "Gordan Ramsay's Great escape" a series by Ramsay on his quest to discover the delicious history behind his favourite cuisine. Any guesses its the Indian cuisine!

Having seen few of his TV shows earlier I wondered how could he maintain his temper interacting with the Indian people. But the show turned out to be real fun he travelled to places from Lucknow to interior Chattisgarh to Rajasthan were he tried out different dishes.Interacting with Indian people is another thing.One good quote he said was good cook never sees recipes but use their intutive skill to make the food great. An hour flew away as I really enjoyed the show.

After the show I talked with my room mate and the topic was about the food, since Saturday was fast approaching we called up our cook and said to prepare Aloo paratha for this weekend :)

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