Wednesday, August 18, 2010

~~Exam Jinx~~

Getting into the exam hall,receiving the question paper and find nothing came from the thing you studied. It always happens with me unless I go to the exam hall without reading anything as I do for the maths. This week is our semester exams and two exams which bothers me are micro and macro economics.

Today I got over with one of the exam, there was one 25 mark question which I didn't understand what was asked,what I needed to write and I didn't remember seeing anywhere in the book. Later came to know our professor taught in the class long time back which is not in book,still I don't remember something taught like that(class la gavinicha thane). But the good thing was most of my classmates were in the same league as me and finally our professor reduced the weightage for that to 15. Apart from that there were mathematical questions making my life easy.

Now its one down, one more to go!


  1. As I was reading your post, I was thinking to myself "class la konjamaavathu gavanichaa thaane"...only to find you self-commented the always...we are in sync :))

  2. Sri, don't forget the golden rule..dont ever give attention to the class..that will lead to problems..

  3. Sriram,

    you have crossed (hope 7 seas) to study, please pay attention to the class and do well!

  4. Sri, listen to what priya mami says...

  5. @ Shiela

    yupp I have always have golden rule in mind :)

    if lecturer is a beautiful girl i will surely pay attention ;)

  6. @KG
    sure will follow when necessary!

  7. pay attention to the subject or to the girl? are your lecturers?

  8. @Shiel

    well left to me, i'll concentrate on the "subject" :)

  9. @KG.....expected that from you ;))

  10. He he everything depends on the "subject" :)
