Monday, August 30, 2010

~~Eating at Restaurants~~

One thing is sure ,my weight is definitely going to increase when I leave from Chicago. One good thing is I m having wonderful food all three times or sometimes four times a day. There are quite a few restaurants I tried over the last week and I m sure there is more to continue.

Barnelli's Pasta Bowl:
This is an Italian restaurant which Sivaram took me just two days after coming to Chicago.One thing about ordering Pastas is USA is the quantity we get for a single plate,I can eat that quantity for three meals.So when I ordered something named Alfredo which had more cheese than the pasta my stomach for full just after eating one thirds of it.Anyways I took the remaining back home but Suji never gave me an opportunity to have that as I had something freshly prepared to eat everyday.

PF Chang
Haran,my college bench mate took me to this Chinese restaurant last Friday.I tasted a drop of Wassabi sauce and haven't tasted anything more hotter than that.For starters we had lettuce wraps ie, stuffing some crispy gravy into the cabbage leaves.I ordered something called as Buddha's feast(meal for a calm person ;) )which had a mix of broccoli and tofu served with white rice.

Bamboo Tree:
Venkatesh another classmate of mine gave his birthday treat in this restaurant on Saturday.Funny thing was Haran and Venkatesh were in Chicago for sometime but they never knew about each others existence and finally they found they live a mile apart.Venkatesh said that the restaurants appetisers are good so we ordered baby corn fry,wanton rolls and potato fry(which was like a spicy frech fries). For main course we just ordered a single fried and shared it by three.

Pita house :
This was a middle east restaurant Sivaram took me today evening,we ordered 4 pitas and a dozen of falafil along with side dish.Pitas were like Naans being but into two it had 8 pieces.Sivaram ordered his own kabab and a small dish for Riya So it was Suji and me who had to finish the rest,as usual we packed all the pitas back home never know when we are going to eat those. It was just a day before Haran got me Baklawa a Lebanon delicacy which tasted wonderful. This restuarant also had the same sweet but not as good as yesterdays.Then I tried Kenafa which was like panner mixed in sweet jira and it tasted wonderful.

These are just few stuffs I ate at restaurants ,need a separate post for wonderful home food!


  1. ஸ்ரீராமன் becomes

  2. lettuce wraps are my fav too at PF Changs :)
    hey sri...hopefully u'll fit into my doorway....the next 4 months shd probably take care of it :))

  3. @Sheila
    will be back to dal and roti when I return to NYC

    hehe I find bamboo tree easy to remember :)

  4. ha ha.. i knew you will come up with sumthing..
    but people read ur blog. dont give them wrong info!! :D

  5. hehe people who are reading my blog knows how accurate I report data :))
