Friday, July 23, 2010

~~Yesterday's outing~~

Since many were interested to know what I did till 1 AM yesterday night- here goes the story. Yesterday we had class from morning 9 to 6 and after wards I stayed back to finish our group assignment.Around 10 o clock when we were almost exhausted,one of my classmate said she is going to meet a friend of friend at a bar whom she has never met and she asked us would we like to join her.Since one shouldn't miss a opportunity like this, myself and another classmate agreed to accompany her.

Once we entered the place it was crowded and soon I realized it was not an ordinary bar but a gay bar.I said this to my other friend,he said its cool man at least we will get some attention here!Once we found her friend we went to that table and soon I started a conversation with the guy next to me,about the college and courses we do.After few minutes of the conversation he asked does he being a gay offend me I said not at all, he replied many Indians feel offended about it. Then he went to add "you know my partner is an Indian".Interesting,I asked from which part he said Tamil Nadu and he is tamil brahmin.He was glad when I said I m from the same part. We talked about Indian culture,food etc and he was say things he knew about India..The other guy whom I talked with was doing Phd in clinical research.

When it was about 12 I decided to leave and my classmate joined me,since she lives in the next building to mine we decided to walk.When we came out of the bar, city was as buzzing as usual people on the road few shops opened and there were cars and taxis moving on the road.We walked inside our college campus and the buildings were great at the moon light.It was a wonderful walk back to my room.


  1. There you go....!!!!

    Mark this blog, it is going to be one of the great experience you had. I think you won't get this kind of experience any other part of the world!!!! College and Homework till 10PM,GAY bar etc....!!!

    Great, Enjoy America!!!!

  2. Good experience! Glad to see that you have an open mind. The guy is right. Often we run in to Indians in US with extreme views.
