Tuesday, July 27, 2010

~~Today morning!!~~

My cousin dropped me in front of the building and wished me good luck, the place looked familiar as I walked my way inside. I was carrying my usual bag which I take to college and was in my usual attire.I went inside the classroom there were few people dressed in formals waiting for the class to begin. I took the last row(as usual) and looked around, hoping to see at least one familiar face but all were eager for the class to start.

Then the instructor came and asked to introduce ourselves. Once we are done with that, he said "I welcome you all for joining this prestigious company.... Sriram I expect you to dress properly from tommorrow onwards". With a sudden shock I woke up from my bed,what a nightmare to begin the day.Anyways there is more than a year to get into such a routine.


  1. Ha Ha :)

    The fact that you have got so many formal dresses and not using them is bugging you. Go ahead and wear it to class one day. I am sure your classmates will comment on it but atleast you won't get any nightmares ;)

  2. Joke of the day! U know what , people used to say if u dream in the early morning, it will come true! so......., dream the things u wnat to get or acheive and so on....

    I hope you will get dreams about food next time! That is next hot topic, you have been discussing in your blog!

  3. @Sundu
    I m not interested to wear one until its necessary,have a party on Friday I m missing my partywear dress :)

    Dont want to burn others stomach saying those stories ;) will ping you in gtalk

    hey I get food everyday,this week menu is sweet corn with spinach,rajma,kadi dhal,aloo peas masala and with puris and rotis!

  4. hey sri...do u want me to bring your "party wear" dress?? :))

  5. Sri..since this blog being read by kids n mami's...why don't you start another blog regarding your experiences with Chicks or "Gang-Bang" activity and give access to us select few unless you want TO repeat those to each one by Ping-ing :))

  6. @Shiela
    I would love to get it back ;)

  7. @KG
    experience with the chicks and gangbang activities would be better if its left to the imagination ;)
    dont worry I will mention if something interesting happens :))
