Saturday, July 17, 2010

~~Keeping track of your roots~~

I was talking with one of my classmates from Korea, he started the conversation with Namasthe then seeing my sarcastic smile he said your mother tongue is not hindi right. Then he asked me do I know ayodhya when answered in affirmative he said "my great grand mother is from that place",interested in the conversation I asked how long back,he said some 1000 years back! He went on to add that his great grandmother was a princess in Ayodhya and married the king of Korea. He is the son of 72nd generation of King Suro Kim and they have old books keeping track of all records and roots.

If I think about my roots I know my grandfathers name and apart from that heard few stories from my on grandma how we have settled in our native, so at most it might go for 100 years. So keeping track of the generation for more than 1000 years was something extraordinary.One good thing I like about the Asian countries are they are proud of their roots and take efforts to pass on to their next generation, such that their kids never lose their self identity.

After coming back home I did some googling about the Korean Indian connection ,I got some interesting links whichwere similar to what he said.It was an interesting read and to confirm the facts there is a town in Korea named Gaya and there were few ancient symbols which are common both in India and Korea. Its really a pride to know
your roots and makes it more meaningful when it has a wonderful history behind it.

Hope after 1000 years there is some person to say I am the great grandson of Sriram Jayaprakash :)


  1. ... very interesting connection with Korea!

    The first thing required for your hope is catching hold of a Kili! How is the progress? :)

  2. are not leaving Sri free at all.....whatever topic he takes..even if it is gorilla or relationships between Indo-Korean...somehow or other you connect it with "kili"...

  3. ha ha kili progress is going no where
    waiting for college open in fall!
