Monday, July 5, 2010

~First few days in US~~

What I was upto the last four days written by Ganesh(from google wave) :)

Jul 2: Kicked-off with taking sri to temple for his b'day, followed by delicious indian buffett... Fresh from chennai, sri did not taste the traditional south indian dishes and settled for northy dishes... (waiting for the day when sri dried-up from NYC food comes jolling for southy dishes..)

Jul 3: Sri will never forget this day... 1st experience of "seeing" americans in long-weekend spirit...

Took sri to shopping outlets to equip 2 survive in NYC. Wide-eyed/mouthed, sri "enjoyed" Cing lovely people around and need to grab hold of sri and drag him to shops... purchased of load of stuff for sri to conquer his quest here.

Then off to the "sin city of the east coast" (Atlantic city) for sri to try his LUCK.. hoping his lady luck would work her charm and bring him a fortune... Again, sri got excited seeing the people around in the boardwalk next to the beach and wanted to rampage thru the casinos. We really had to try hard keep sri on the ground and bring him back home (sri did not want to overwork the lady luck...).

For "other" details on what sri did in AC, need to open a separate wave (not for the faint-hearts... oh my!! you could never imagine what sri is capable of...)

July 4: Took sri out to see the Independence day fireworks... and to celebrate sri's last day of "independence" for next 14 months... sri was awestruck by the fireworks and (again, now a common feature with sri) seeing "kilis" in the park... Sri signed-off his independence in style.

July 5: With a truck load of sri's goods, dropped of sri at his NYC apartment. Typical of NYC apt buildings, the space is small. But being close to the Columbia campus and lots of amenities around, sri would have a good time there. Plus, loads of young crowd around to give sri company (pani vizhum malar vanam...)

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