Thursday, July 29, 2010

~~Coin problem~~

I had worries about how I m going to survive in an expensive city but i never thought I would troubles getting coins. We have a wonderful washing machine cum dryer in our apartment which accepts only quater coins. To use that washing machine I need 6 quaters and for using dryer another 6 coins, so for one round of washing clothes I need to have 12 coins.I know that going to bank would get me a quater roll but knowing my laziness (I need to study,no time in my busy schedule!)I thought of devising a strategy I would collect quater coins whenever possible and when it reaches 12 I will go and wash my clothes. Over the weekend I got some fifteen coins(even a Newyork beggar wouldn't have collected much)from Ganesh and my uncle. I thought let me wash my clothes as soon as I get into NYC.When I reached my apartment my room mate was there waiting the lift, seeing my pockets jingling he asked "Do you have quaters I badly need it and being Sunday shops and banks are closed" Being nice I had to give him my hard earned coins for paper notes.

Today I realised I m never going to get 12 coins,so decided to goto bank.

Guys apart cheques I also accept coins ;)


  1. Sriram, get a roll of quater ($10- one roll), you should be set for 3 washes (washing/ drying)

    You are more than Karnan!

    Vazhga Vallal Sriram!

  2. yea yea anda quater vangartukaaga I bunked my class and went to bank today :)

  3. atticha quarter

    kuttichalum quater

    thuvachalum quater mala
