Wednesday, July 7, 2010

~~Adapting to the NYC life~~

Settling down in the city comes with interacting with new people,learning new things,exploring places finding right shops restaurants etc in short getting adapted to the way city lives. I think in a matter of one month my walking speed will increase by few km/hr. Habbits take time to die as I looked the right side first to cross the road and realised my mistake after crossing the first half of it.There were times I made a fool of myself waiting for the door to open to enter the shop and a kid guiding me the right way as that was at the exit of the shop

Other things I like about are the people with whom I interact in the customer care side or in business what they call as moments of truth,they make us more comfortable make our lifes easier. Its more like having a chat than making business. It was wonderful talking with lady at International students Service Organisation who wanted to visit the country and asking about the places there. The guy who helped me opening the bank was more interested in telling things about the city and life there,he patiently took more than 20 minutes to explaing the banking procedures,building credit history and stuffs.Finally he asked how long I need this account I said 14 months and he replied back "you never know man this might be the city for you". Both of them before entering my date of birth in system wished me a belated wish.

With bank account created its time to get money :)


  1. friendly chit chats from total what keeps us going.. when we are so far away from home :)
    reading your latest "malarum ninaivugal" for me :))

  2. Sriram,

    i've posted a blank cheque today, you'll receive 2 business days! Enjoy!!!!!

  3. I totally agree with Sheil!


    i've been waiting for these posts since u arrived US. Going to explore about more things through ur posts!

    Thanks much in advance!

  4. @Priya
    enna blank cheque without sign too???
