Thursday, April 1, 2010

~~Morning mess~~

I learnt what can a 5 minute delay can do to my day to day schedule. Last night being tired from the trip I slept early but the sleep I had was too little for me. When I eventually got up I found that I was lagging behind my schedule and hurried to do all the morning chores.I Gulped down my morning cornflakes and ran to catch the bus only to see it has gone past me. Then I caught hold of auto and asked him chase the bus. After jumping a signal the auto driver finally made it on par with the bus and I managed to signal my driver and got it.

When I was about to reach office I found that I forgot to take my ID card,since my company has a strict policy turning away people back home who forgot to bring ID's I regretting whether the morning chase was worth enough.Going back home by local transport is also a pain in the neck.Then I remembered a friend was mine who lives near my area and comes late to office, I tried reaching him but he wasn't picking the call. In the mean time I reached my office and was asked to wait in the lobby if I could manage to get the card or leave home and fetch it. Since the 2nd option was out of question I kept trying to reach my friend who was still in his morning sleep.After 12 unsuccessful attempts he finally picked the call. I requested him to goto my home collect the card and come back to office. Only after he accepted I breathed a sense of relief. It took another two hours for him to reach office,till then I was sitting in the lobby which was like a cold storage.After getting the card I reached my workplace where I was given a royal welcome.

PS: Funny thing in this incident was when I called my friend to get my ID card from my home ,he was thinking whether I playing April fool prank on him.

1 comment:

  1. oooh sri..i was laffing. is there no alternative for id-not-brought syndrome?. is it office or something else?

    should be thrilling vijaykanth sequence of chasing bus in auto and you leaning forward from auto with hands out yeeling

    and did stop auto screechingly in front of the bus?

    in the office you didn't get punishment like run around campus 10 times?

    or come inside after 2 hrs wait outside

    tooo much fun, my dear!
