Friday, April 30, 2010

~~Jumping the queue~~

As I used to say before one thing I hate to do is to stand in queue and wait for things happen. Last Thursday I had an appointment in US embassy for my visa interview, friends as well as the relatives with whom I talked with were threatening me about the long wait I have to spend in the queue.Given that we should be carrying a mobile or any other stuffs apart from the necessary documents, the only way to kill time is strike conversation with people who are already tensed standing in the queue.

So I thought of avoiding these things to the final moment as possible. My appointment was at 8:15 and I was asked to be there 15 early. So I thought why should go there before time when I m actually needed there only by 8. So I started from my home around 7:50 and reached the place sharp at 7:59:59(1 sec before time).There were more than 100 people standing in the queue,before joining the line I spoke with a security there and told my appointment was at 8:15, he took me past the crowd and placed me in a position where in which i was the 3rd person in the queue. Within five minutes I was inside.

Once inside the whole process took not more than 30 minutes, the interview was mere formality and I came back home well before 9. My usual mantra of going on time always helps!

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