Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~~A busy day out~~

I had to attend my friend's dad 60th birthday function. So I thought I can bunk office and attend the social gathering. Being a truthful person I asked my PL that I need leave for attending such and such function. She said "If you take leave for other people's marriage then you wont get leave for your marriage". Then she added that since the function is only on morning you can come to office by afternoon or even by evening but I should come.

With that morning permission I got up in a relaxed manner the usual tensions to catch the bus was not there.I reached on time for the function,it was my college mates dad and since he had moved to US after studies I was meeting him after almost 4 years. After getting blessings from his parents and eating a wonderful morning meals we started talking. Recollected lots funny things happened during our college days,felt I should have started blogging that time itself.Talked about whose where and what they are doing and time passed away.

After half past 12 I started my way to office in my bike and given the sun was showing its full force I was almost roasted when I reached office.Imagine how would it been after having a heavy meal then a tiresome journey and into a AC room with a comfortable seating arrangement - setup was made to have a wonderful sleep. But with my colleagues to gossip around there was never a time to relax. I showed my presence by sending few mails and browsing few pages.

Then I started my long journey back in my bike,it was easy to sneek in between the car and buses. Journey which was supposed to take two hour by bus was reduced by an hour in the bike, not that I drove fast but at an average speed.It saves time but drains your energy.


  1. Sriram,
    It reminds me "Babys's day out" movie.

  2. Priya - nothing to beat this comment. By far the best from you :)

  3. KG,

    I'm glad, your frequecy, started going down. now u r realise good things. Keep it up!

    April 15, 2010
