Tuesday, March 2, 2010

~~Visit to Hinamatsuri dolls and Movenpick~~

Nammi had come down to Chennai from Bangalore to attend her visa interview, we planned to meet up in the evening. I was browsing for events in the city which is worth a visit. Hinamatsuri, the festival of hina dolls caught my eyes. The display was a part of Japanese art exhibition held at Lalitha Kala academy. So planned to give a visit. I left office little bit early,picked Nammi on the way and reached the place around 6.

Once inside there were lots of modern arts which we didn't understand anything out of it. Then there were few electronic gadgets which we could not make out how to use it.Only thing which impressed us were the dolls.Japanese people celebrate a festival like what we Indians do during Navarathiri arrange the dolls in a Kolu kind of format. Each level symbolising something. If there was a proper guide and explained what is it we would have enjoyed that outing more.

From there we went to Movenpick, one of the ice cream parlours which boasts of ice cream from Swiss. One good thing about the place is can sit in comfortable positions as if sitting in floors with legs in stretched out position.Nammi ordered cafe choco combo icecream and I settled for a strawberry.Since its been a long time we met,we started talking about things happening in our lives, times when we were in Cochin, trips we went, movies we watched,group cooking during weekends etc.She was my official translator for all the hindi movies which I saw in Cochin.I made her proud saying that I saw 3 Idiots and MNIK without the help of any translators. We agreed that its people not the place which makes life happy and how life in Cochin would have been meaningless without our gang. Finally when it was time to pay the bill ,she snatched it from hand and said its her treat and I asked why,she replied 'Its my visa rejection treat'.

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