Wednesday, March 17, 2010

~~Visit to crafts exhibition~~

Last Sunday I decided to stay in home due to hot weather prevailing outside.By evening I could no longer stare at the monitor I decided to take a break, called my uncle and checked whether anything interesting is going on. He said there is a crafts exhibition at one kalyana madapam nearby and it worth giving a visit there.I quickly got ready and reached his place.

After he and his family members got ready we finally left for the exhibition, once inside there were lots of show case items decorative stuffs,handicrafts of various size and shapes. I was looking something for my grandpa since he was having his birthday the same week. There were few walking sticks but I didnt want to get that one because its something which will indirectly tell he is growing older and I never wanted to him to know that. Then I finally settled down with a foot massager.

I gave him that today and told him to use that one everyday such that he can manage to go to Saravana Bhavan everyday and have his cup of coffee!