Thursday, March 11, 2010

~~Post from my cousin~~

Last two days before I try to think of writing something , I have something better in my inbox.Today my uncle sent me an article written by his son(my cousin). It was way better than my usual scriblings

Here it goes...

“Vikash!” my mom yelled from two rooms away. “Come over here.” Reluctantly, I gave up my seat on the couch, where I was watching T.V., and wandered over to where she was sitting, with the laptop on the table. “Look at this,” she said, with a solemn expression on her face. Curious, I looked at the computer screen, and saw a gruesome sight. My mom had gotten an email, which had images of hungry kids. When I say hungry, I don’t mean they didn’t eat for just a day. It looked like these kids had never had more than a bite of food to eat every other day for their whole lives, and they probably didn’t eat as much as I would eat in one meal, in one week. They were so bad off, that when I first glanced at the pictures, I thought they were dead. Their stomachs were caved in almost to their spine, and I could have easily counted their ribs, even if they had a shirt on.

Before looking at these pictures, I had no idea of the extent of hunger and sorrow in the world. There were people dying because of causes that are possible for people to fix, but there was nothing I could do about it. Being only eight or nine, I did not realize all these things until my mom showed me those pictures. When I asked her what I could do, she said that while I was little I shouldn’t waste my food, and when I got older, I could donate to charities and help kids like those. She also said that it won’t help to just feel bad for people and not do anything. Despite these words, I can’t help but to feel bad for them anyway.

Through this experience, I learned just how lucky I am. I never thought there would be people that bad off, people on deaths doorstep for more than half their lives. Before this incident, I wasn’t very thankful for what I had, but, now, that has all changed.

What a food for thought!!!


  1. Great!, Kudos to Usha!, I think now Vikash got it for his life time!

  2. Vikash is Mala aunty's brother's son. Right Sriram? So, how old is he?

  3. Yea u r rite Priya!
    He's 12 years old!

  4. KG, to be precise he is Kellys Kumar's son!
