Saturday, March 13, 2010

~~My VTV Experience~~

No I haven't seen Vinnaithandi Varuvaya. When I read one of the reviews the storyline seemed familiar.Not that I have seen it in some other movie but in real life. I called up my friend and asked "Dei did you go and tell your story to Gautam Menon" .His laughed and said "It was as if a movie taken for me". After teasing him for sometime I put down the call. Many things seemed similar to the movie and my friend's life, his perseverance, the confused state of the girl and religious background of the two people and finally the way it ended.

It was two years back on one fine evening when my friend and I were relaxing in fort Kochi beach, he got a call,he spoke for more than an hour leaving me with no other option than to see the waves crushing against the huge stones on the shore.When done with the call he told it was his college friend when I gave that I don't believe look he started saying his story. In short he was ready for a relationship with that girl but the girl considered him only as a friend.Or the girl was in confused state on what the relationship between them us was,that was giving hope for him. I said relationships will work out only if there is commitment from both ends or atleast there should be some encouraging signs from her end. There is no point trying to believe that you can convince her to start a relationship. He replied its we guys should take the initiative ,else we have to endup marrying the girl choose by the parents. I said its better to marry a girl choose by our parents than dreaming we could marry a girl who isn't taking any initiatives. He said if you wait for that girl to take initiatives you wont get that girl. The argument went no where and as we felt hungry we left to have dinner.

Three months later my friend had to leave for USA and it was an unplanned trip, he was told on a Thursday that he had to fly on Saturday evening. On Friday he got the tickets and other documents and on the same night we left for Chennai. Saturday morning we reached my grandma's place and after refreshing ourselves we left for shopping, we purchased the hand luggage,cabin luggage,few wardrobes and many other items on the list.In the mean time his parents,uncles,aunties,grandparents were on their way from his native to give send off to him.They will reach at one of his relative by evening and asked him to be there on time. We hurried up our shopping, quickly went back to my grandma's house packed the stuffs and took a cab to his relatives place.On the way he got a call from Juliet that she has to meet him before he flies. He asked me whether we can meet her first and then goto his relatives place, I gave an angry look and told the cab driver not to listen what he says. We reached his place we packed other stuffs which were brought by his parents.Suddenly this fellow shouts " I don't have a belt" before I could say use my belt or the people there could give any alternative he pulled me "Sriram come quickly,lets goto Naidu hall and get a belt.

Within no time I found myself sitting at the pillion of his cousin's scooty and he was driving like an Indian hero in the climax scenes of the many movies.I closed my eyes praying that I should see another day.At the entrance of Naidu Hall he saw his Juliet and immediately handed over the scooty to me and asked me to go and park. I once again asked him not to forget that in an hour he had to be in airport.Parking space was at other corner of the building and being a weekend I had sneak in the scooty between a cycle gap. Once done with parking I was not interested to go inside that shop,a place where I cant even do window shopping.I was giving company to the Gurkha outside welcoming the people coming in and sending off the people going out.With time running out I barged in and said to him enough of talking lets leave,he asked me pick the scooty from parking area and wait at the entrance. I took the long journey back took the scooty from the stands and reached the entrance, he still not contented with the time spent told me to go ahead and take a U turn and he will wait at the opposite side of the road.I took the scooty along the road looking for a U turn which came after some two long kilometers.Finally I picked him up and asked what big deal you discussed during the whole time. He replied "Nothing da ,she wished me Happy Journey". Had he not been travelling to US that day I would have kicked him out of the vehicle at that spot.When we reached the house his uncle asked him where is the belt ,realising the reason we went out he managed to say there were no belts available for his size.Finally we made on time to airport and sent him off.

After two days he called me from US after discussing the travel he said there is one shirt which he forgot to take it,the one which was gifted to him by Juliet. He asked me to take care of that shirt.The very next day I took that shirt and wore it office. Asked opinion from my friends there on how it looks on me.The next day I called him and said the shirt looks better on me and its time for him to get a new shirt or wait for someother girl to gift him a shirt.Being far from me he couldn't do anything.

PS:Last month I called him up on a weekend ,asked where is he , he replied he is attending the engagement function of Juliet.


  1. Happens all the time. To almost everyone around us, But that doesn't mean it loses its shine, or becomes less funny :)
