Thursday, March 4, 2010

~~Movie I saw~~

After a long time I really enjoyed a movie eventhough I didnt understand a single word spoken in that. Yea it was a classic Iranian movie which was nominated for Oscars during the year 1997.

Children of Heaven a beautiful scripted film tells the story of brother and sister. The story goes like this the brother takes his sisters shoes to cobbler to mend. On his way back he loses it due to his bad luck.What follows is how they manage to goto school with a pair of shoes and the problems they face all the way.

The two kids who were less than 10 years have acted wonderfully, they emotions are well captured in the screen. Kudos to director for bringing a good screenplay from a simple story line. A touching climax in the end,would have won oscars had it not been for Life is Beautiful.


  1. I liked this one too .. Infact, if I remember it right I saw this movie for the first time at mayavaram from Visu chitappa's movie collection :)

  2. Sri,
    stop seeing bland movie ;)

    have you seen Hurt locker? - It is about a US Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team during the Iraq War
