Wednesday, March 24, 2010

~~Book I read~~

When I was in British Council last weekend ,a funky book cover caught my attention and went through few pages and my instinct said it should be a good book. I took it home and finished it at a stretch. "More than love letters" by Rosy Thornton is one the kind.

Its a story of an young woman Margaret who writes about the problems faced in her constituency to her MP. And incidents happen around that changes her life. The highlight of the novel its fully written in series of letters addressing to individuals.So the novel goes on describing series of events which had happened and how it happened. As the title says its not only the letters between the hero and heroine. Like there are letters from Margaret to her friend and vice versa ,to her granny and vice versa, MP's letter to his mentor and so on. Each letter is written from the character's own perspective and slowly adds pace to the novel. Some funny letters,some sarcastic,some telling the problem faced by men and some by women.For each letter we feel as if we fit on their shoes.

Margaret's granny enjoys reading her grand daughter's letter again and again saying , phone conversation cannot be recorded but letters can be reread at any time. There are times when one can make bold statements in the letter than talking with face to face.Finally novel end with letter on why letters are important in this electronic era as a hand written message will really touch the heart than a digital one. A different novel altogether,felt good after reading it.

1 comment:

  1. i love to write letters. it's been over a decade since i last wrote a letter. hope to do one before this year-end..
