Tuesday, March 9, 2010

~~33% for women in India:Step1 ~~

One job you should think twice before you take up is to be Speaker of Indian parliament. One place which was filled with action packed drama today is the Indian parliament. I hardly remember a time when some meaningful debate took place there. Watch the below video, beware turn down the volume to the lowest possible level.

Anyways coming to today's events it was fun to get status then and there that the house is adjourned for umpteenth number of times. When everybody thought that the same old story is gonna continue our brave speaker suspended the unruly MP's out of the house and passed the woman's reservation bill with 186-1 majority. Kudos to him for doing that ,the same thing could be applied whenever each and every member disrupts the house.

Coming back to bill will it really empower woman ? hope we don't elect the wives of those unruly MP's who will be a mere puppet sitting in the parliament. Anyways this is the first hurdle crossed and there is still a long way to go.

1 comment:

  1. Man, regardless of proceedings, you should be proud of this major achievement. I don't think any other country is having this rule of giving 33% to women. Even major european / US is skeptical.

    To think of, Sonia implementing this in India is major happening!

    And, hopefully, women should be able to add color and character and fresh attitude to parliament affairs.
