Tuesday, February 9, 2010

~~Visit to British Council~~

Snowfall in Washington DC continues,it gives me lots of free time, left office early and went to British council. Since I have filled up their membership form last week , I made it a point to go and collect the membership card as soon as possible before I forget it. I took my cousin along with me since I didn't know the exact location.

After a 15 minute ride we reached the place, once inside I was glad to see everything was computerised ,from borrowing a book to giving it back. Getting a card with my photo on it took hardly two minutes. The collection in library was different from the normal Indian libraries,many British biographies and travelogues which gave me lots of options to choose from. I took two books from the lot and a DVD. My cousin who is already a member took two literature books which I swear he will never read.

On the way back cousin said he wanted to goto KFC which was not on our way home, after a 20 minutes of exhausting ride in the traffic maze we reached the place. I was stunned by the service time which was hardly less than a minute,my cousin took two chicken pieces and I settled for a veg burger. Once done we waited for the traffic to reduce but it seemed get jammed more the time it took. So having no other alternative we returned back home travelling 4 km in a record 30 minutes.

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