Thursday, February 4, 2010

~~I am a British Council member~~

Every year people from British council visit our company,put some stalls and encourage us to register with them. A membership allows access to their libraries and events that take place there. Since we could reimburse the amount of membership from company there will be many takers every time, though most of the people wont even visit the place not even once in the year. Apart from that there's another hidden incentive which attracts people to their stalls

Last year to make the membership more lucrative they offered a free pen drive for all the people who register with them. As usual given the Indian mentality the response was over whelming. There was long queue to register,since I didn't have patience to stand for such a long time I didn't bother to get it last time.

When I reached office ,before I could even check my mails,my colleagues told people from British Council have and asked me to join them to the registration place.Before us there where some twenty people in the queue. This year they offered us a travel bag for who and all joining or renewing their membership.It took almost an hour in the queue to get registered but since we went as gang and chattering all the time I didn't feel bored. They gave me a form and told to go to the council to get the membership card. Hope I go there soon enough before an year passes by.


  1. they didn't offer free ticket to london. maybe next year :)

    my dear, you registered this year and mizzed the chance!

  2. Not to worry spl gift will be given for renewal also ;) so might get a ticket next year!
