Wednesday, January 6, 2010

~~Visit to Book Exhibition~~

This time I didnt buy any books at the book exhibition ,there were three reasons

1) I havent read some 2 to 3 books which I got last year.

2) I have come to conclusion only when I exhaust reading all books I have I will get books.

3) Taking Swathi with me ,I ended up most of the time at the children's book stall looking at Barbie's and other cartoon books

Today my dad came back from Mumbai and had a stop over at Chennai for few hours.I met him in the evening had dinner at woodlands joined by KG and Suba.

While leaving to drop him at the station ,I lifted his bag, it was damm heavy . I asked why did you carry this much laggage for a two day trip. He said its not the clothes but the books he got from the fair!


  1. On our way back from India, all our suitcases had one thing in common, Books....I carried a cabin bag full of books. Already finished couple of them....

    Kids thanked you a lot for the books. Both of them at SD are reading it.

  2. Really wondering what JP bought :)

  3. @Diana
    thats great hope you finish all the books before you make the next trip :)
    next time I will try to some Indian author's books for kids!

    btb did you read Jhumpa Lahari's book I gave?

  4. @KG
    Who knows he hid those even from me, afraid I might take one or two :)

  5. Sri,

    We bought the books for all to share. So we will read as time comes by. Shreya reads books like crazy. Lucky that both of them haven't read R.K books.

    I haven't read the one you gave me. Currently reading Cold Steel.
