Saturday, January 16, 2010

~~The movie I saw..~~

After a long time I had time to catch up with an English movie. The movie was "Up in the air" starring George Clooney, I would never think twice before seeing his movies and given its directed by Jason Reitman who has films like 'Juno' and 'Thanks for smoking' under his belt, I was waiting for the right time to catch up with this one.

Its the story of a man who does a tough job-firing people. Any company which wants to fire people and never have the guts to do it calls for his services. So most of the time he travels around the country not having any commitments in his life.One of his weird ambition is to have a million flyer points. Apart from that he is a public speaker who preaches people on why its not good to get into relationship and carry that burden in our day to day lives. Now the story unfolds where he mentors an young ambitious MBA chap while having a relationship with another woman without commitments and a sister who is getting married asking him for a simple favour.

George Clooney has shown his class throughout the movie, another thing which impressed me were the dialogues delivery, arguments like 'Sell marriage to me' and 'try firing me' or the time he convinces his brother in law. Apart from that there are few emotional on how people will react once getting fired ,will make us think about recession period last year and how the corporates reacted to it. Its a wonderful movie,so watch it once when you find time.

After the movie ends don't miss the experiences shared by the people on how they overcame the rough patch in their life after they got fired and what gave them will power or courage to continue their life.

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