Thursday, January 28, 2010

~~Chat at Coffee Day~~

On republic day I met two of my old room mates, we stayed together in Cochin when we were first posted there.After few years in the job they quit the company and went on to do their MBA. They passed out during mid of 2009 one of the worst times to get out from B school although both of them were lucky enough end up having a jobs,one in an IT company and other in Web start up.

We were discussing about our life in general and it was pathetic to see them slogging hours in their respective companies, one was saying that he is working way past 12 everyday and other had unrealistic targets to meet everyday. Compared to what they do my job seems to be heaven to me. Not even six months into their job they got frustrated and looking for opportunities to switch companies. Thinking of it,I m lazy enough to update my resume!

Yea they have doubled their salaries on due course with more workload but there are many things which you need to sacrifice to get those! Given their life styles I would never do an MBA just to have growth in my career.


  1. Sri, even i'am slogging everyday till 2'o clock :)

    our lives are tough man ;)

  2. Yea right!!!! You mena 2'o clock in the afternoon right!

  3. well said.. education just to 'further' ones career is not worth it at all. learn if you want to, not because you think it might lead to better salary. as Aamir Khan said in 3 idiots- 'Pursue excellence, not success' ;)

  4. Right Sathi :)

    Sriram - you are absolutely right, there's much more to life than just career and money. Only few can understand that. In that sense, we are idiotically wiser :)

  5. @Nomad
    exactly :)
    I agree 100% with u!
