Thursday, December 3, 2009

~~Finishing King's Quest~~

King's Quest is one of the famous DOS game series which was popular during 90's when I was in school. It was a simple strategy game you have to find clues interact with the characters and proceed. It was great fun in those days and sometimes I would get struck days at one stage not knowing how to proceed further.

King's quest VI 'Heir today Gone tomorrow' is last but one part of the series,I remember playing it when I was in 9th standard but I couldn't complete it because I lost the track somewhere in the middle ,got struck ,got frustrated and vowed never to waste time on that.The inability to complete the game was like a big shame and was haunting me sometime.(Thanmana pirachanai)

Last week while I was doing some basic search about few tools in the net I came across DOS box (dont get hifi since it sounds similar to XBOX) which is used for playing DOS games in windows mode.Games like prince of persia were given as examples which can be played.I thought I could play King's quest.I searched for the King's quest and since that game has become too old or too ameatuerish for this generation gaming kids it was available for free download(which I think nobody would have downloaded).

Anyways to make the long story short I downloaded the game got struck in the same place but this time I had the help of google :) ,searched for hints here and there and completed the within the day. It was like finishing a long pending task and gave me lot of satisfaction.That night I slept peacefully!!!

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